According to the Dictionary of Genealogy by Terrick V. H. Fitzhugh genealogy is described as the study of descents of families from an ancestor. The definition of family history applies specifically to biographical research into one's forebears with the objective of compiling a narrative history of the family.. Family history places antecedents in a social and historical context and therefore can have great relevance to both the individual and the wider community. Fay Weldon's comments in The President's Child are appropriate here: ‘you cannot satisfactorily root yourself in the here and how, however pleasant it seems, without including for yourself a past and a future, via ancestors and descendants, part of the great dance of the generations’.
Our Branch Historians are responsible for compiling and publishing family and branch histories. Their names are listed below by country. Special mention should be made of Jean Dunlop Munro who is our Clan Historian. Jean is the author of a number of books and pamphlets on Clan Chisholm. Her many publications are included in the Chisholm Bibliography link on the sidebar for this page.
Branch Historians
Australia: Carolyn Chown
Canada: TBA
New Zealand: Fay White
Nova Scotia: TBA
United Kingdon: Jean Dunlop Munro
United States: Phil Chisholm
Artifacts Project
Fay Chisholm (the Clan Council Artifact Coordinators) requests the help of all Clan Chisholm members to promote and spread the word that Clan Chisholm is setting up a register of artifacts that are held both in public and private collections. The Artifacts Project was designed to preserve the knowledge, legend and stories of items relevant to the history of the Clan Chisholm.